Computer Organization & Architecture (BTES 401-18) - Theory

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the internal structure and functionality of a computer system. The course will cover the following concepts:

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the basic organization and architecture of computer systems.
  2. Write and analyze assembly language programs.
  3. Design and analyze memory systems and their interaction with the CPU.
  4. Understand the principles of CPU control unit design and implementation.
  5. Analyze the performance of pipelined processors and understand the challenges of parallel processing.

Detailed Syllabus

Module 1: Functional blocks of a computer

Module 2: Introduction to x86 architecture

Module 3: Pipelining

Module 4: Memory Organization

Suggested Books

Reference Books

Computer Organization & Architecture Lab (BTES 402-18)

List of Experiments

  1. Computer Anatomy- Memory, Ports, Motherboard and add-on cards.
  2. Dismantling and assembling PC.
  3. Introduction to 8085 kit.
  4. Addition of two 8 bit numbers, sum 8 bit.
  5. Subtraction of two 8 bit numbers.
  6. Find 1’s complement of 8-bit number.
  7. Find 2’s complement of 8-bit number.
  8. Shift an 8-bit no. by one bit.
  9. Find Largest of two 8 bit numbers.
  10. Find Largest among an array of ten numbers (8 bit).
  11. Sum of series of 8 bit numbers.
  12. Introduction to 8086 kit.
  13. Addition and subtraction of two 16 bit numbers, sum 16 bit.
  14. Implement of Booth’s algorithm for arithmetic operations.
  15. Find 1’s and 2’s complement of 16-bit number.
  16. Implement simple programs using I/O based interface.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this lab, students will be able to:

  1. Assemble a personal computer.
  2. Implement various assembly language programs for basic arithmetic and logical operations.
  3. Demonstrate the functioning of microprocessor/microcontroller-based systems with I/O interface.

Reference Books